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ArArAt Brandy Charles Aznavour Signature Blend 25 Years Old 700ml


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Winery: ArArAt Yerevan Brandy Factory
Region: Ararat Valley - Armenia
Alcohol: 40%
Quantity: 700 ml
Distillation: Double
Aging potential: 25 years in Armenian oak barrels

Making process/Characteristics:

My profession is an act of love.

It is my passion

I put my soul into my creations

I am an artist and a craftsman

Charles Aznavour

These words expressed by Charles Aznavour, a legend in France, Armenia and around the world, inspired the masters of ArArAt Brandy. United by the same legends, met to create a masterpiece to honor the Armenian heritage. Carefully selected vintage spirits from the cellars, assemble a blend that will awaken emotional sensations. A unique blend’s color, subtle mahogany with amber reflections. Carefully melts into hints of cigars with a rich finish of oak timber and wood spices.

Tasting Notes

Unique, soft mahogany color with amber highlights. A unique blend that gently unfolds the true character of its creator, followed by cigar notes with rich oak and spices finish.