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ArArAt Brandy 5* 700ml & 3 shot glasses


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Type: Brandy 5 *
Variety: Voskehat, Banants, Kangun, Mshkali, Garantmak
Winery: ArArAt Yerevan Brandy Factory
Region: Ararat Valley
Alcohol: 40%
Quantity: 700ml
Distillation: Double
Aging potential: 5 years in oak barrels

Making process/Characteristics:

According to the biblical tradition, Ararat is the cradle of mankind. The first documented ascent to the Great Ararat is dated 27 September 1829, when a German professor, reached the peak on his third attempt. A little later, in 1876, one of his followers, looking at the Ararat Valley from the top of the mountain would say: “If in fact man first set foot on land here, you couldn’t imagine a more impressive center of the universe”

Harmony of Flavors:

Tender and refreshing plum, peach and dried fruit aroma with a touch of bitter chocolate. Refined and delicate taste: intensity of black currant with soft sweetish overtones.